Let’s Start a Conversation
I apologise for not posting yesterday! I was so tired that my brain wasn’t working and I wouldn’t have been able to get any words down. It just shows how difficult it can be to get back into the swing of things. It did feel great though, getting myself into gear and back on my feet! I hope that anyone else who went back to work this week has had a positive start and isn’t hating it already.
I always have so many things I want to talk about. I have to narrow it down to what I’m feeling most strongly about on the day. I decided I wanted to share the above quote.. I found it recently while prowling my social media. It spoke to me in so many ways, most importantly pointing out that mental health should be openly talked about. I would always hate sharing with anyone about how I was feeling. I would listen to myself and think about how pathetic I sounded. When actually it was only me who thought about it that way. If whatever you are feeling is that significant and you need to let it out, then do! There is no shame in having mental health problems and the majority of us will go through something at one point in our lives.
It is so important that we all feel comfortable being open with the people around us. Having that first initial conversation can be the first step towards recovery. Everyone needs to recognise that mental health is so common and an illness like any other. It cannot be fixed at the click of a fingers. Please don’t tell someone who has depression/anxiety etc to ‘lighten up’ or ‘cheer up’ because let me tell you, when I was at my very worst it was the thing I wanted to hear. It’s really not that easy. Recovery is a long process, and one day or night out is not going to fix all your problems.
Talking is such a major part in overcoming your demons. If you let it build up and fester it makes things a hundred times worse. Don’t ever think that anything going on in your head isn’t important and that people won’t want to listen to you, because I can guarantee that they will. You would be surprised at how many people are willing to listen, and be your shoulder to cry on when you need it most. They may have even been through something similar and can offer you advice and guidance on the best ways to deal with it. They will be thankful to you for confiding in them and trusting them enough to help you.
I believe that over the years a light has been shone on mental health and has been brought to the forefront of peoples minds, but I do think there is still a long way to go and much more to be done. We are still losing far too many people. We need to come together and share an understanding. Educate ourselves on the ways our minds can work and become our worst enemies. There should be no stigma around mental health whatsoever and all the different kinds people can encounter or experience.
I do believe that going through mental health yourself and overcoming the darkness of it can really give you the strength to help others, and that is what I wish to do. I want to give it a voice and a platform to make the world take notice. To make sure that every single person can shout from the rooftops and reach at least one person. Just one person who can hold your hand, look you in the eye and tell you everything is going to be ok. Everyone needs to feel like they are not alone. And that is how we can help. You might not even have to say anything, just listen. Let them get whatever is eating away at them off their chests and out into the open. Let them get that huge weight of their shoulders so they can breathe again. Just be that beacon of hope. That sunrise at the end of a long, dark night.
I’m definitely not saying that things will change over night. And I’m definitely not saying that I alone can change the world. But if at least one person reads my posts and is brave enough to have that conversation or is the person who offers their helping hand, then that is a step in the right direction. The smallest of things can be way bigger than you can imagine, even if it’s just saying “how are you?” And really meaning it. Invite them in. Let them know that your door is open.
One thing that you are probably asking right now is “how do I know if someone is struggling?” It’s not always obvious and people can be very good at hiding it. But look out for small things like being quiet, or being overly cheery. They might be withdrawn, easily irritable, violent, lack concentration. But like I said sometimes you may not be able to notice at all. So all I can say to that is this... Check on all your friends, all your family. Especially right now. Just let everyone closest to you know that you care, and that you are there. That they can confide in you. Maybe even begin a conversation about how you are feeling, make them comfortable, take that leap. You never know, it could be the best thing you ever do for someone.
If there is one thing I’ve learned through having depression myself, is that there is a way out. Life is such a precious thing, So let’s help save each other’s.
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