Social Media, Good or Bad?

I’ve had some really good responses from my blog in the last couple of days. If my posts can help just one person that may be struggling right now then that’s a success for me. 

When it comes down to it, it’s helping me too. So that can only be a win win situation. This one can only come at a good time for me as today I’ve really let myself go. I’ve been lazy. Netflix keeps personally victimising me by asking if I’m still watching. Leave me alone! Yes I am still watching! Stop judging me! My phone is telling me how many hours I’ve been active on different social media apps. Overall I think this is not just an issue that I have, but one that many people have been struggling with over the last few months. 

I have a love hate relationship with social media and how much simpler would life be if it didn’t exist. I spend my days scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc. I get lost in the lives of the rich and the famous and people I know that are living lives that I’m not. There’s people getting married, having babies, living their best lives in their dream careers. And then I look at myself. What have I achieved in my life so far? I keep feeling like I’m behind, like time is ticking by and I don’t have anything to show for myself. But then I stop and think.. I have a degree, I have a car, I have a job, I have a roof over my head. I’m 25 years old and I still have my whole life ahead of me. I keep having to tell myself that there is no timeline! Everyone lives their life at a different pace and just because you aren’t where you want to be yet, don’t lose hope. That’s the worst thing you can do. 

Don’t keep comparing yourself to everyone else. That is no healthy way to live. Don’t look at the faces and bodies of people and wish you could be just like them. Have their bodies, their perfect faces, their perfect lives. And I’ll tell you why. Who knows if that’s even real? People only show you the good things. They never show you the bad. How do you know they don’t cry themselves to sleep at night? How do you know they don’t compare themselves to everyone else on social media? You don’t. You only see what they want you to see. 

I often give myself one piece of advice. When you wake up in the morning, think about one positive thing. One positive thought a day. Whether it’s the fact that you even got out bed. Whether it’s looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking ‘I look nice today.’ Just one positive thing that will get you through the day. Also, give yourself a break from social media. Even if it’s just having one day off a week. You will feel such relief. Instead of focusing on the lives of other people you are focusing on your own. 

I know one of the hardest things you can do when you are in a bad place is to doubt yourself. Someone said to me recently that I’m horrible to myself, that I doubt myself and give myself such a hard time. That really hit home for me as I stopped and I thought “you know what, I really am.” Once you grow to love yourself then you radiate that to other people, and you attract people who are good for you. Not just potential partners but friends too. People who will help you see the best in yourself and remind you how special you really are. 

I feel like for the past couple of years I’ve been living in my own bubble. A bubble that social media has created. It’s unhealthy and it’s toxic and I don’t want to live like that anymore. I have to remind myself that I am a smart person, I have my own mind. I have skills and qualities, I have an imagination. I am loved and I am valued. I am worth more than what I’m feeling right now. I am finally starting to see what I have to offer in this world. Just remember that you are your own boss, you are the only person that stands in your way. 

I want to end with this, 

“In a world where you can be anything, be kind” is a quote that has been circulating for the past few months and it’s such an important one. But I want to say one thing about this. Yes be kind to others, be kind to everyone around you. But most importantly, be kind to yourself. 


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