I Looked at Myself in the Mirror.,

I looked at myself in the mirror. I counted my fingers and I counted my toes. I studied the strands of my Ash blonde hair. I blinked and blinked to feel the weight of my long, thick eyelashes. I felt the soft carpet beneath my feet and I focused on that, accompanied with a heavy hand on my chest as I felt it rise and fall with each breath I took. I captured all the sounds around me, singling out each one as though I had a deep connection with the songs dancing in my ears. I tried with all my might to grasp the furthest tweeting birds and the clink of a neighbours glass. The numerous dogs calling my name and the slightest wind ruffling the leaves of the surrounding trees. I wanted to stay in this moment. This moment of peacefulness, of belonging, feeling completely at one with my body and the entire world around me. *** Use your senses, what can you feel, what can you smell, what can you hear. - I find that one the best ways to deal with bad days or bad moments is to ke...