We Are All In This Together

In light of recent events, I have decided that today I am going to write about something a bit different, but it is still based around my original blog theme. I just feel like I need to get some things off my chest and talk about something which has affected a lot of us within the last few days or so. 

Firstly, I am going to touch on a topic which has us all enraged today. After a nail biting Euros final where we unfortunately lost to Italy, absolutely disgusting behaviour has come to light today in the aftermath of the match. Okay, yes, we did lose. But we worked our arses off. Imagine the pressure felt by those players, with millions of people counting on them to ‘bring it home’. Then for people to have the audacity to throw abuse at them! Would you have had the guts to take those penalties?! I’m pretty sure the answer is a big fat ‘No!’ This really makes my blood boil and it makes me lose faith in humanity. I thought that after a truly horrific year, we may have come together to celebrate the England team and the hard work and dedication they have shown. This is just not something that can be tolerated! 

Mental illness is at all time high at the moment with the majority of us being stuck at home for months and feeling isolated and lonely, and we need to do things to make this better not worse! The England players will have woken up this morning feeling hurt and utterly deflated. They will feel that they had let us down because so many of us were counting on them to break a 55 year streak. So what they really don’t need is racial discrimination and vile comments being shared on social media. Why is this happening in 2021?! When I read the news stories this morning it made me sick to my stomach, and I was ashamed to be from England. 

The Euros and World Cup tournaments unite us and make us proud of where we come from. This year we needed that, more so now than ever before. It’s a time for us to watch the game with our friends and family, have a few drinks, enjoy the highs and lows, the edge of the seat moments. It’s riveting entertainment. We chant and cheer for the truly talented players gracing our screens. So please let’s enjoy it! Have an amazing time full of hope and anticipation. Why does it have to be followed by violence and hatred. I pray that the players who have been targeted by these comments know how proud we are of them. I stand behind you 100% and if I could I would hug each and every one of you and tell you just that. 

I can’t fathom enough how important it is to support each other. To be kind to each other. How long are we going to fight this fight? Not only against racism, but against cruelty to those in the spotlight who get bullied and abused on social media. People have taken their own lives because of this and it has to stop.

I have said many times before how social media is one of the best and worst things to happen to this world, and in this instance it’s the worst. Just because you are hidden behind a computer screen and a keyboard doesn’t mean your comments don’t hurt, it doesn’t mean that you can get away with it, it doesn’t mean the people you are throwing your abuse at don’t take it personally. I have seen petitions being shared today in regards to new rules being set out for social media accounts, and I hope that we see some changes soon. This just cannot go on, I don’t want this for my children, or their children and the many generations to come. 

I hope there is a way that the people responsible are held accountable for their actions. We must create a way in which social media banishes this, because we won’t stand for it. We just won’t. 

Every single one of us in this world have beating hearts, we have brains, we have feelings. Use your hearts and use your brains to stamp out this unacceptable behaviour. 

I could rant and rant about this all day because it has truly made me so unbelievably angry, but I know that most of you will have read posts upon posts about this already. But it is so important that we speak out and stand together to fight this. 

I just wanted to also add this photo in here because this is just 🙌  what a guy.. 


I also want to take this time to mention something else. In the past week, I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of a man I went to school with. A man who was a true gent, and loved by so many. My heart goes out to his family at this time, and to those closest to him. He will be greatly missed. I would like to say guys, please speak out. My inbox is always open, and my blogs are here if there is anything in them that may help. I understand how it can feel that there is no other way, that’s there’s no way out. But I found it, and so can you.



I urge everyone to talk about mental health. We need to break the stigma, and do what we can to help those around us. One message can make a huge difference. #breakthestigma 


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