The Possibilities Are Endless
It’s really strange how you see things and the world differently when your happiness starts to return. You see the beauties of the Earth and the possibilities out there for you. You see everything in a completely different light because your eyes are finally opening. There is a part of your brain which has been held prisoner for so long breaking free. Songs have new meaning, lifting you up instead of reducing you to tears. Romance films don’t have you curled up in an emotional whirlwind of longing and despair. You don’t wish you were living the life of your favourite characters in tv series or books because you are content in your own. Sometimes I don’t even feel like I have been journeying to this point and that each day I’ve been edging closer. In fact it’s more like an all of a sudden moment when you realise, while sat drinking your third glass of Merlot and listening to all those heart wrenching songs, that you don’t feel that hollowness in your chest anymore. That dread...